In line with Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) guidance, NPA has recently reviewed its contract terms and conditions to make absolutely sure that any terms that could be considered unfair have been reviewed and amended.

NPA's Standard Terms & Conditions.

This work was undertaken by our Procurement Manager Okan Erden with the support of our lawyers Hall and Wilcox.  The changes bring NPA's standard form contracts into line with Australian consumer law changes that come into effect on 9 November. This important work also ensures that NPA is using contract terms that are unequivocally fair in its dealings with third parties.

"NPA needed to be absolutely sure that our standard form contracts, also known as terms and conditions, protect the rights of the third parties that NPA works with who might have limited bargaining power, limited expertise, or limited ability to negotiate or assess our contracts,” says Okan.

"We have made a handful of changes that make our position with third-parties absolutely clear in legal terms. We have also made some progressive changes such as adding a new clause on sustainability and doubling our supplier indemnity insurance to $20 million.”